By: nampaciviccenter
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Recent Coronavirus Concerns

The Nampa Civic Center is aware of the recent concerns surrounding confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Nampa, ID. At this time, the Southwest DistrictHealth Department has stressed that “risk to the general public remains low.” In the meantime, we recommend that all guests visiting the Nampa Civic Center practice good health hygiene. Please wash your hands, use a tissue or your arm when sneezing or coughing, and use your best judgment when you are not feeling well. We have thorough and comprehensive cleaning and disinfecting procedures in place, hand sanitizer dispensers located throughout the building, and bathrooms equipped with anti-bacterial soap. If you so choose, you may bring your own face mask to wear at the Nampa Civic Center. Thank you for your cooperation.

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Nampa Civic Center
311 3rd Street South
Nampa, ID 83651
Tel: 208-468-5500

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